Meet Khadiza

Khadiza is from a settlement in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where she lives with her husband and four children. At age 22 she noticed a swelling gradually developing in her neck. It eventually became difficult for her to swallow and eat properly. As her health began to deteriorate, family members became alarmed – but she couldn’t access the medical care she needed.

Khadiza suffered from this condition for seven years! Finally, she was admitted to a public hospital four hours away and received a Thyroidectomy. The procedure cured her difficulty swallowing, but unfortunately led to intermittent convulsions. Her condition continued to get worse, until seizures severely impacted her quality of life. She was unable to care for herself, much less her family.
Waiting another seven years before receiving appropriate treatment would have likely been her fate. But fortunately, she found HOPE Hospital, where she was told they could care for her regardless of her ability to pay. HOPE is a maternal health hospital staffed primarily by OB/GYNs and general practitioners – but due to the partnership with World Telehealth Initiative (WTI), they have access to many additional medical specialists.
The local medical team immediately knew this case required a telehealth consultation with Dr. Joseph Clemente, an internal medicine specialist from New Jersey. Dr. Clemente diagnosed her with a Hypocalcemic Tetany and recommended a prescription for the required course of medications. With the appropriate treatment, Khadiza regained her health and has returned to the life she enjoyed before her medical complications started many years ago. She is just one example of the many patients exposed to transformational healthcare that WTI programs make accessible.
World Telehealth Initiative
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(805) 886-8016
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer: Sharon Allen
World Telehealth Initiative provides sustainable medical expertise to the world’s most vulnerable communities to build local capacity and deliver core health services, through a network of volunteer health care professionals supported with state-of-the-art technology.
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The World Telehealth Initiative program is the most emerging, innovative, and helpful health program for patient care. Our physicians are exposed to very experienced consultants from different disciplines, sharing their knowledge with them and learning from them. Patients are also satisfied to receive specialist healthcare services from foreign doctors by telehealth device. They express their excitement and satisfaction to us.”
Help Get Healthcare to Where It’s Needed Most
Imagine you or your child has a medical emergency and you’re unable to get the necessary care or specialized treatment because the only doctor that can help is over 100 miles away and your only means of transportation is on foot.
World Telehealth Initiative strives to make quality medical care accessible to under-resourced communities, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, wherever, whenever it is needed. Technology makes this possible.
World Telehealth Initiative is seeking to raise $1.5 million so they can expand their services to more underserved communities. Currently they have 33 programs across the globe, in areas as diverse as Togo, Bhutan, and Kashmir. By the end of 2022, World Telehealth Initiative’s goal is to expand to 40 programs and, by the end of 2023, they hope to expand to 65 programs in order to double the number of patients served per month to 500.
Key Supporters
Teladoc Health
Jan Campbell
Virgil Elings
Matt and Sheri Fay
Susan Hackwood
Jody Dolan Holehouse
Angel Iscovich
Robert Skinner
Yulun and Susan Wang
Ron Werft