Tag Archives: philanthropy

Legal Aid: Continuing to Close the Justice Gap Legal Aid Foundation

Earlier this fall, the Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County (LAFSBC) marked its 65th anniversary with an early evening […more…]

The Shortest Distance to Making a Difference

In 2000, Judy Koch learned something surprising about many of the workers in her sheet metal factory in Fremont, California: They didn’t read books with their kids. As a former junior high English teacher now on a second career as a manufacturing CEO, Koch wanted to instill a love of reading in her employees. Her idea? Give away high-quality storybooks for free. This simple act created a tidal wave of expanded family literacy among the mostly Latino men who worked on the factory floor. Sterling Speirn, who was looking for innovative ideas as executive director of the Peninsula Community Foundation [...more...]

Making Abortion Care Access a Reality ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE

ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE has been helping people gain access to abortion and reproductive care for 30 years. As the only […more…]

No One Should Have to Wait to Get Well Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse CADA

In the heart of Santa Barbara, the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA) stands as a beacon of hope […more…]

A New Hospital Will Change Everything. “If an African mom is saved, a whole home is saved…” Faith of a Child Foundation

Over the past 12 years, the Sonrise Baby Home has saved the lives of more than 450 malnourished, sick, and […more…]

Delivering Life-Saving Medical Aid During the World’s Toughest Crises Direct Relief

Direct Relief navigates the war zones in Ukraine to deliver cystic fibrosis medications, transports Mpox vaccines to clinics in the […more…]

Raising Children is Sacred Work Family Service Agency

In a world where the pressures of daily life can feel overwhelming, many families find themselves stretched thin – caring […more…]

Changing Lives from the Inside The Freedom to Choose Project

Just 26 years old and the mother of three young children, Rhonda Leland found herself behind bars serving a life […more…]

Investing in Lompoc’s Youth Future for Lompoc Youth

FUTURE for Lompoc Youth was born from a passion to empower the next generation of Lompoc residents. Co-founded by Chuck […more…]

Giving Low-Income Youth the Gift of a Healthy Smile Children and Family Resource Services – Future Smiles

A healthy smile not only provides obvious physical benefits but can boost self-esteem and have a positive life-long impact. On the […more…]

Rescuing Abused Farm Animals and Teaching Kindness Greener Pastures Farm Sanctuary

If you like stories with humble beginnings told straight from the horse’s mouth, then look no further than the story […more…]

A Passion for Caring for Those Living with Disabilities Hillside

In the early 1940s, Hollywood director George Cukor brought his ailing nephew over from England, along with a nurse. His […more…]

A Lifetime Commitment of Care Housing Works

Deborah Leigh Stevens, 68, was living on the streets of West Hollywood in 2014, within blocks of her former apartment. […more…]

Where Brain Injury Survivors Find Hope and Support Jodi House

On November 12, 2005, Leo’s life changed forever. After he lost consciousness behind the wheel, the then 24-year-old college student’s […more…]

Re-Balancing the Scales of Justice Legal Aid Foundation

Anybody who has seen a police procedural or legal drama on TV knows that criminal suspects not only have the […more…]

Improving Health Outcomes in an Under-Resourced Community Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization

In Lompoc, California, where resources are scarce and needs are great, the Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization (LVCHO) has quietly […more…]

Creating Unforgettable Experiences as Young Scouts Scouting America, Los Padres Council

Images of Boy Scouts and kids Scouting are as American as apple pie. But beyond those iconic, timeless images is […more…]

Closing the College Knowledge Gap for High School Students Matriculate

Imagine a high school student in the 90th percentile or higher of their class who is enthusiastic about learning and […more…]

Canines at Home in the Ruins National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

How many times has a family stared in slack-jawed wonder as the adorable new family dog tears around and around […more…]

Preventing Nuclear Annihilation Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Nine countries, including the United States, possess approximately 12,500 nuclear warheads and are currently spending vast amounts of money maintaining […more…]

Joy and Community: Uplifting Those with Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson Association of Santa Barbara

The word “Parkinson’s” invokes a certain image. If you are the Parkinson Association of Santa Barbara (PASB), the image is […more…]