Tag Archives: language pathologist

Charting ahead to the Soiree at Sea! RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

It is a swell day when you get an invitation for the best yacht party of the year! RiteCare Language Center can’t wait to […more…]

Soiree at Sea RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Join Ritecare for a beautiful 2-hour coastal sunset cruise with live music aboard the Condor Express! Have a drink and […more…]

Summer Camp Chit Chat 2023 Application is Open RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Camp Chit Chat is a fun and socially interactive camp for preschool age children with mild-moderate speech and language delays. […more…]

Soiree at Sea! RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Join us for a 2-hour coastal cruise with live music aboard the Condor Express! Have a drink and enjoy the […more…]

Santa Barbara RiteCare RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

When we connected last week, Santa Barbara RiteCare center director and speech-language pathologist Julie DeAngelis was particularly excited to talk […more…]

Brain Lab RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

In 2012, we launched an after-school literacy program called Brain Lab. This program is designed for students in first grade […more…]

Camp Chit Chat Applications Are Open! RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYRM7gLiADn6ICahwDOG7eR8m7WKuzj4daAe0R8Vpy9-E0qg/viewform?usp=sf_link Applications due April 15th! What are the camp dates?June 6th to July 28th.  All children […more…]

Where Children Find their Voices RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Santa Barbara

Little Ryan was only three years old when he was diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), an uncommon motor […more…]