https://accessrj.orgExecutive Director: Jessica Pinckney GilPhone: (510) 456-0947 Mission ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE removes barriers to sexual and reproductive health care and […more…]
Lea másfaithofachildfoundation.orgDirector: Joe Madden(408) 335-4042 Mission Faith of a Child Foundation looks for ways to build self-sustaining small businesses that surround […more…]
Lea máswww.freedomtochooseproject.orgExecutive Director: Forrest Leichtberg(805) 895-8311 Mission To transform the lives of individuals impacted by incarceration through compassionate experiential education. Begin […more…]
Lea másfutureforlompocyouth.orgExecutive Director: Chuck Madson(805) 717-5995 Mission FUTURE fosters connections in an innovative environment for Lompoc Valley youth to feel empowered […more…]
Lea máswww.GreenerPasturesSanctuary.orgExecutive Director: Diane Dieterich(805) 704-7327 Mission To rescue, rehabilitate, and provide lifelong care for dozens of animals saved from neglect, […more…]
Lea máswww.housingworksca.orgExecutive Director: Celina Alvarez Mission To create housing and service options that model, with respect and dignity, sustainable, environmentally sensitive, […more…]
Lea máswww.jodihouse.orgExecutive Director: Lindsey Black(805) 845-2858 Mission Jodi House empowers brain injury survivors to not merely survive, but thrive. A brain injury […more…]
Lea máshealthylompoc.orgDevelopment Manager: Alex Murkison(805) 430-3501 Mission To improve the health of the community by ensuring equal access to a coordinated, […more…]
Lea másmatriculate.orgVice President, External Affairs: Shikha Bhatnagar(646) 408-3561 Mission Matriculate’s mission is to empower high-achieving high school students from low-income backgrounds […more…]
Lea máswww.wagingpeace.orgPresident: Ivana Nikolić Hughes(805) 965-3443 Mission To educate and advocate for a just and peaceful world, one that is free […more…]
Lea máswww.mypasb.orgAdministrator: Cindy Faith Swain(805) 683-1326 Mission To offer education, motivation, friendship, and support to people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers, […more…]
Lea máswww.reachfellowship.orgExecutive Director: Raúl Aguilera(805) 708-6176 Mission To provide transformative support and development opportunities to first-generation students as they navigate the […more…]
Lea mássbcsar.netDevelopment Chair: Bruce Hickey(805) 319-1399 Mission To provide critical assistance and support during any search and rescue operation. Begin to […more…]
Lea mássbmm.orgExecutive Director: Greg Gorga(805) 456-8742 Mission Creating excellent exhibits and educational experiences that celebrate the Santa Barbara Channel and illuminate […more…]
Lea másthehorseprojectsantabarbara.comProject Leader: Linda Kiefer(805) 680-6498 Mission To rehabilitate, re-train, and re-home rescued horses who have been abandoned, abused and neglected. […more…]
Lea máswww.villamajella.orgLoretta Johnson, PhD(805) 683-2838 Mission Begin to Build a Relationship We know you care about where your money goes and […more…]
Lea máswww.cadasb.orgExecutive Director: Victoria Rightmire805-722-1301 Mission CADA is a highly respected, progressive nonprofit agency providing Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Prevention/Education […more…]
Lea má 453-1465CEO: Leslie Person Ryan Mission Our mission is to educate, promote and increase awareness on how our food is […more…]
Lea mássaviehealth.orgExecutive Director: Abe Lincoln831-402-9979 Mission Our mission is to provide free medical, behavioral health, dental and vision care to uninsured […more…]
Lea má 352-2434Chief Development and Engagement Officer: Liz Dunning Mission REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE 25% BY 2025. They say it can’t be […more…]
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